Traditional Voyaging Canoe of Amami

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Amami Islands are located in the middle of Satsunan Islands, the chain of islands between Kyusyu Island and Okinawa Islands. Amami had been the dependency of Ryukyu Kingdom since 13th century then colonized by Satsuma seiguneury in early 17th century.

This Voyaging canoe is called Kubaya or Yahirobune. Yahiro means 8 hiros(1hiro=about1.8 meter) and bune means ship. Therefore Yahirobune means the ship of about 14.4 meters.

You can see it as sailing and paddling canoe. It requires 12 paddlers and 1 steersman with single square sail. Pre-modern age people of Amami Islands used this voyaging canoe for trading between their islands and Kyusyu or Ryukyu.

Now there is no Kubaya available for voyaging and of course, there is nobody who can use this type of voyaging canoe. Few years before, a curator of this museum built lesser type of Amami’s traditional sailing canoe “Itatsuke” and sailed it around Amami-Oshima Island.

Itatsuke (or Itatsukibune) is another traditional voyaging canoe of Amami Islands. It was used for transport ship of sugar. Satsuma did tyranny in the Islands and they enforced islanders the monoculture of sugar. The Amami sugar was a big resource for Satsuma to make money. Satsuma finally completed the Meiji revolution and capsize Tokugawa dynasty. Satsuma’s General Saigo Takamori lived in the islands for a few years and had his private education classes for islanders. Later one of his student became first French literary in Japan.

There are two master-builders of Itatsuke in Amami now(see this link).

Itatsuke racing is popular among Amami people. Itatsuke is also used for the education in Koniya Juinor High school in Amami-Oshima Island. Students paddles Itatsuke to cross Oshima channel between Amami-Oshima Island and Kakeroma Island every year.

Unfortunately there is no Itatsuke activity for tourists now.

picture1-3 full scale Kubaya model front and side
picture4 Kubaya's bottom. Master-builder Tsuboyama Jr. points that constitutions of Amami's voyaging canoes are very similar to North American traditional kayaks.
picture5 Kubaya's stern. Steering paddle is very unique.
(Amami Museum at Amami-City, Kagoshima)


