


  1. 何しにアメリカ行ったの?:国連の気候変動サミット(2019年9月、NY)とCOP25(2019年12月、サンティアゴ)に招待されたから。
  2. グレタ・トゥーンベリが乗せてもらったのはどんなヨットなのか?:2015年に建造されたIMOCA60級のレース専用ヨット。船の名前「Malizia」はグリマルディ家の始祖、フランソワ・グリマルディのあだ名から命名。グリマルディ家というのはモナコ大公家のことです。
  3. グレタ・トゥーンベリ嬢を運んであげた理由は?:もともとTeam Maliziaの活動の柱は「セイリング、サイエンス、エデュケーション」で、国連の環境運動にも参加しているし、子どもたちを乗せる海洋環境教育活動は日常的にやっているから、その一環。ちなみに船の上には(マックス・プランク研究所と提携した)洋上のCO2濃度測定装置もあって、データは公開されてます。
  4. 本当にゼロ・エミッションなのか?:船の建造や資材の製造ではCO2は出ているが、航海自体は風力とソーラー発電で全部やるつもり。伴走艇も付かないよ。
  5. グレタ・トゥーンベリからカネ取ったの?:無料で運んであげたよ。
  6. Team Maliziaはどっかからスポンサード受けてるんじゃないの?:全部自前の資金でやってます。モナコ大公家の資金力舐めんな
  7. 貴族のヨットなんだからさぞかし快適な船旅だったんだろうねグレタちゃんは:Malziaは競技用の船なんで、極限まで軽量化されており、トイレもシャワーも調理設備もベッドもありません。グレタちゃんのために今回特別にカーテンとマットレスを追加で積んでもらえたよ。あと、航海中には少なくとも六つの低気圧、風速50m近くの暴風、落差数メートルのうねりを経験させてもらえたそうだよ。
  8. ヨーロッパに帰る方法で悩んでいるって本当?:調べた限りでは、単に未定というだけみたいだよ。日本の週刊誌の見出しに釣られたんじゃない?
  9. グレタの乗ったヨットのクルーが飛行機で帰ってたら、ヨット使う意味無いんじゃない?:調べた限りでは、この航海の枠組みは「個人的な信条としてやむを得ない緊急時以外は飛行機を使わないことにしている少女がおり、その少女が住んでいる大陸からは海を隔てた場所から、こちらにも来て話をしてくれという依頼が国連を含めて殺到していて、その少女が最悪テレカン参加でもと悩んでいたところ、とある(環境保護活動にも熱心な)国の王子様が、じゃあ僕の船で運んであげるよと声をかけた」というものです。その船は常に世界各地をレースで転戦している船で、どっちみち航海&飛行機を使ったクルー交替は普段からやっているので、そのルーティーンの中で運んであげたってことでしょう。これをどう評価するかは人それぞれですね。


2018/12/31 グレタ・トゥーンベリのオフィシャルFBへの投稿

After the COP24 I have been invited to speak in places like Panama, New York, San Francisco, Abu Dhabi, Vancouver, British Virgin Islands…
But sadly our remaining carbon budget will not allow any such travels.
My generation won’t be able to fly other than for emergencies in a foreseeable future, if we are to be the least bit serious about the 1.5 degree warming limit. Why? Because adult generations in countries like mine have used up our resources.

I will try to make it to as many places as possible without flying. And also participate via video link. Also tag your climate actions with me, so we can show the world what actions are going on for climate change.

And of course stop flying and go vegan alone is not the solution.
We have to aim for a zero carbon lifestyle as soon as possible. Political decisions are necessary. But as they do not exist yet we have to do what we can ourselves to make the political movement come alive.


2019/6/18 グレタ・トゥーンベリのオフィシャルFBへの投稿

After the holidays I am starting gymnasium, like high school. And this is what I really want to do. I love studying.
But I have also been invited to attend these two events, in North and South America. And since time is running out I have decided to try to take a sabbatical year from school and go there.



The tricky thing is that it’s on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. And there are no trains going there. And since I don’t fly, because of the enormous climate impact of aviation, it’s going to be a challenge.






2019/7/23 グレタ・トゥーンベリのオフィシャルFBへの投稿

Good news!‬
‪I’ll be joining the UN Climate Action Summit in New York, COP25 in Santiago and other events along the way.‬
‪I’ve been offered a ride on the 60ft racing boat Malizia II. We’ll be sailing across the Atlantic Ocean from the UK to New York in mid August.‬
The science is clear. We must start bending the emissions curve steeply downwards no later than 2020, if we still are to have a chance of staying below a 1,5 degrees of global temperature rise. We still have a window of time when things are in our own hands. But that window is closing fast. That is why I have decided to make this trip now. During the past year, millions of young people have raised their voice to make world leaders wake up to the climate and ecological crisis.


  • 2015年に建造されたIMOCA60クラスのレース用ヨットです。
  • 船の名前「Malizia」はモナコ語で「ヤバい人」という意味。モナコ公爵家の始祖とされるフランソワ・グリマルディのあだ名だったそうです。
  • オーナーはモナコ公爵家の一員でグレース・ケリー妃の孫に当たる人。奥さんはイタリアの伯爵家の令嬢。お母さんはドイツの公爵家に嫁いだ人でユネスコ親善大使という貴公子です。
  • 取り敢えず公式サイト見てみると良いですよ。貴族の世界なんで。


もともとTeam Maliziaは温暖化問題に取り組んでいたし、青少年向けの海洋環境教育も日常的にやっているんで。

Team Malizia and its associated Malizia Ocean Challenge is based on three main pillars: sailing, science and education. During all our sailing trips and races, we contribute actively to ocean research and study the impact of climate change on marine environments by measuring ocean CO2 and other sea surface data with our on-board laboratory. The results are published and are available to scientists and public. In this context, we run an extensive and well-structured education programme engaging thousands of school children every year and drawing attention to the importance of environmental and ocean protection, the impact of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the world’s oceans. Team Malizia have recently joined the UN-initiative “Sports for Climate Action” proving once more the team’s serious commitment when it comes to environmental responsibility, reducing climate impact and active climate protection. Finally, we recycle our used sails, avoid using plastic and run a completely paperless campaign. We have processed a carbon footprint assessment of our team, which is currently being verified and will be subsequently published.





The boat faced complex weather conditions with no less than six depressions, winds up to 30 knots, several cold fronts and rough seas in the Gulf Stream with troughs several metres deep at times.

“I am full of praise for Greta’s courage and determination; her attitude on board Malizia II was exemplary despite the extreme living conditions. I would like to thank everyone in the Malizia team and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. It was a very emotional moment sailing past the Statue of Liberty, and I thank everyone for all the support we received during this amazing adventure crossing the Atlantic,” said Pierre Casiraghi, Vice-President of the Yacht Club de Monaco on his arrival in New York.



Her voyage sparked controversy, however, after a spokesman for Herrmann, the yacht’s co-skipper, told the Berlin newspaper TAZ that several people would fly into New York to take the yacht back to Europe.

Herrmann will also return by plane, according to the spokesman.

Team Malizia’s manager insisted, however, that the young activist’s journey would be carbon neutral, as the flights would be offset.

Greta has said she does not yet know how she will return to Europe.



