Crewmembers of Hokule’a boarded utasebune

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(Pictures by N. Yagi)



 Crewmwmbers of Hokule’a had experienced the traditional fishing sailboat called utasebune yesterday evening. At first, the captain of the utasebune “Utsumimaru” has the intention to depart Hiroshima in the morning of May 25 (He puts the cap of the Newyork Yankees on his head). Because they already spent 10 and more days to welcome Hokule’a and must go back their home and job as soon as possible. But a bad weather made the departure postponed a day.

I don’t know how the crewmember felt about utasebune. But many Japanese felt that the utasebune is a beautiful ship as well as that Hawai’ian voyaging canoe.

Utsumimaru departed Hiroshima this morning for her home. This is her last voyage. She will retire today and go to museum if there is enough budget to preserve her.