Farewell to my lads

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Today is the last meeting of my 2011 Junior Class at the Department of Contemporary Culture and Society, Rikkyo University.

The 14 girls and 3 boys are really excellent, hard working, restless and faithful people.

They will transit to Professor Abe Juri's Senior Class next academic year (I will take over Professor Miura Masahiro's 2011 Junior Class), So this is the last time for me to see them.

I feel so sad but very proud to have been the coach of this amazing team. They are the best in the faculty, or to say, the best in the university this year. I love them.

The team will be reserved in the cask for next decade and matured into more creative and strong team.Therefore I think this in not the end or not the departure but just a 中締め.

The best things are yet to come.