そろそろ日本語書こうぜ/Now is the time to make the website for the poeple of Nippon.




 ですが、私たち日本列島住民への直接の語りかけは、まだいただいていないと思うんですよね。思いませんか? だってポリネシア航海協会の公式ウェブサイトは完全にミクロネシア・日本航海モードになっているのに(http://pvs.kcc.hawaii.edu/)、日本語のページが見あたらないじゃないですか。現状では「英語が読める人が日本航海トップページを見ると、日本語ページへのリンクが英語で書いてある」だけです。それでそのリンク先は例のハワイ州観光局日本支部のページです。それだけ。

 私、これはいくらなんでも無いんじゃないかと思って、メールで申し上げたのですよ。「せっかくだから日本語のページも充実させてはいかがですか? 翻訳者を雇うお金が無いのなら私がボランティアでやって差し上げても良いですよ。」と。ですけれども、今はまだ英語ページも完成していないから、先の話だよねというお返事が来ただけなんです。公式ウェブログも相変わらず英語だけ。ですが、彼らは2007年航海の教育的意義としてこういうことを書いています。

The Impact of Globalization on Indigenous and Local Cultures: With the spread of technology and mass production and consumption culture on a global scale, how can we maintain and perpetuate for future generations what is unique and special in indigenous and local cultures (e.g. Mau’s tradition of navigation)?





Six months left until Hokule'a arrives Nippon. Mr. Nainoa does energetic promotion in Nippon now. I am admiring Hawai'i Tourism Japan, Dentsu, Magazinehouse and other people who supports PVS.

But now I want to see another face of PVS.

In fact, they do very well to promote Hokule'a via mass media. But I think now is the time to adopt another way of promotion. I think PVS should speak to the people of Nippon directly by their website. I mean that they must make the webpage written in the language of Nippon. Because most of the people of Nippon can't read English well.

In addition, PVS points the question below.

"The Impact of Globalization on Indigenous and Local Cultures: With the spread of technology and mass production and consumption culture on a global scale, how can we maintain and perpetuate for future generations what is unique and special in indigenous and local cultures (e.g. Mau's tradition of navigation)?"

I agree with this. And I think English language is one of the most influential and powerful engine to spread the mass production and consumption culture on the earth. I know Hawai'ian people respects Hawai'ian Language and Hawai'ian Creole (the Pidgin). It's effective way to relativize the power of English. Then why PVS doesn't use Nippon-Go(the language of Nippon) and call our archipelago Japan (we call it Nippon Rettou)?

I think there is somebody who can read and speak Nippon-Go in PVS. So Why can't they talk to us in Nippon-Go? I think they can and surely they will. It's just a matter of time. I'm waiting.

There are so many people who wants to support Hokule'a in Nippon. Most of them are just a citizen at all. But they have incredible power and will. We are waiting for PVS to call our support.