A night on the marina

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All pictures took by Kato Kosei. You can use these pictures freely except for commercial use.

1) Master fisherman and respectable elder Oshima-san and uncle Maka. Oshima-san’s uncle was a emigrant for Hawai’i. Oshima-san said that there still be some cousinries in Hilo. His friends have also gone to Hawai’i and became a school-teacher and pro-wrestler. He also said that a Hawai'ian Russell Tanaka is one of his friends in fishing.
2) Utasebune rests in the marina. The greeting of Hokule’a will be her last voyage. Utasebune is a kind of Japanese traditional fishing boat. In Meiji period, one utasebune had sailed to San-Diego from Shikoku Island. The crewmember of this utasebune “Uchiumi-maru” wants the crewmembers of Hokule’a boarding their beloved utasebune. Nainoa also wants to do so but I don’t know if it had come true.
3) A party photo.
4) Nainoa and Oshima-san. Nainoa wanted to spend more and more time with Osihma-san.
5) The leader of the Welcoming committee, Okita-san.
6) Crewmembers never stop singing.