Transcribe of Ms. Audrey Kiko Daniel (also known as Kiko Mizuhara)’s movie for Chinese fans

(transcribe of Ms. Audrey Kiko Daniel's movie)

Hello everyone. I’m Audrey Kiko Daniel.
Also known to my fans and most people as Kiko Mizuhara.
I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone in China.
And clarify few things for the video, particularly to the online community for being upset with me over recent events.  
For those who not familiar with my background
I currently live in Japan but I was actually born in the United States.
My dad is American.
And my mom is Korean born in Japan.
Her family moved to Japan when I was 2 and growing up in Kobe
With my diverse cultural background, given me the opportunity to be exposed to different cultures and befriend people from around the world.
More importantly, I learned to appreciate mutual respect for different people.
I see myself as global citizen and even before coming to work in China in recent years, I have many Chinese fans in Japan who are very close and dear to me.
As I spend more time in China, I feel fortunate to be able to make new friends, learn more about China, about its long history and amazing culture.
I definitely will not offend or intended to offend anyone in China.
Hence I would like to clarify and bring a close on 3 recent incidents.
Firstly, I am a supporter of world peace and definitely Anti War.
I am confirming that this (Ms.Daniel show a picture of a girl in yukata) is not me in the picture.
A very close Chinese friend told me that this is a case of ****(She speaks mandarin)
The second incident witch I would like to clarify is related to another picture.
I was accused of posing offensively in front of a flag.
I will also like to confirm absolutely that I am not in the picture.
And I am a supporter of peace.
Thirdly, there was a regrettable incident on Instagram in 2013.
When I was introducing my friend to Instagram and I was encouraging him to post pictures.
As a result, I was supporting his post by giving him LIKEs. *****(Can’t hear clearly), we found out that he had posted an extremely inappropriate picture.
I have deleted my LIKE within an hour and my friends also deleted the picture after realizing that he was wrong.
In addition, to say *****(maybe Ms. Daniel uses mandarin) to everyone.
I will also like to encourage anyone who has being misunderstood to speak up and present the truth when caught up in****(mandarin) situations.
Lastly, I would like to apologize again for upsetting anyone.
We are all from different cultures but I truly believe that more mutual understandings, love and peace will bring us together and make the world a better place.