A high-principled guy on the web

Japanese Language teacher at Buryat State University of Russian Federation Mr. Hiroki Mukai accused me of calling Russian people “Satan”.

I think it’s OK. It’s his opinion.

And now I think Russians are just Russians. The word “Russians” tells us hundreds of millions of what they are. They are not satans, devils or orcs.

But he also criticized my alma mater despite I already quit the teaching job at the university 8 years ago.

But he also pointed that the name of the schools shouldn’t be used as a tool to mock someone.

Mr. Mukai argued that people using screen shots of someone’s tweet to attack s/he should not use twitter.

I wonder why he still uses twitter…

Last year I gave huge support for a student of Waseda University for her job hunting for free. Waseda is alma mater of Mr. Mukai.

It was a little bit dissapointing for me because Mr. Mukai is one of my heros fighting against fascism in Russia. But anyway, I strongly support him!